Welcome to the USA Roller Sports Team App Coordinator Hub!

USA Roller Sports Team App Benefits
  • Get your club up to date with the latest communications technology. The USA Roller Sports NGB in conjunction with your newly created Club Team App gives your members information specific to their sports discipline at a national, regional, state, or club level. Members can also receive important updates and access a world of reference materials directly from the USA Roller Sports National Office or Team USA. 

    Click here for USA Roller Sports - Team App Press Release
How to link your Team App Club to USA Roller Sports
  1. Go to: www.teamapp.com/clubs/new to set up your club in Team App.
  2. Have your members download Team App on their smartphone and search for your Team App club name to join.
  3. Link to the USA Roller Sports National Office by sending your Team App club name, state and sport discipline to: fjoutras@usarollersports.org
  4. You will then be provided with an invitation on your Club Team App and instructions on how to link to the USA Roller Sports hierarchy, including the State, Regional, National, and Sports Discipline levels.
  5. You can design your Club Team App and invite members by following the instructions below.

What is Team App? 

Team App (www.teamapp.com) is a platform that enables you to create a customized smartphone app for your Team, Club, League or Governing Body. It's 100% free and takes less than 10 minutes to create your app. Once your Team App is created, members download Team App from the App Store or Google Play, search for your team and request to become a member. Every Team App also includes a website that updates dynamically with your app!


  1. Welcome To Your App
  2. Set Up Your Access Groups
  3. Add and Change Buttons on the Dashboard
  4. Invite your members to download the app and join your Team App
  5. Need Help?

Here we have outlined step-by-step how to set up your Association or Clubs Team App.

Step 1) Welcome To Your App 

**Team App can be built and managed on either your smartphone or on your computer. Any change you make on either platform will immediately be live.**

  • First, download TeamApp from the App Store. 
  • Once downloaded you will need to set-up your log-in details. Make a note of these details as you will need them to log-in for future reference. You will also need these details to log-in on the website www.teamapp.com 

Configure your app either on your smartphone, tablet, or computer

  • Update your logo
  • Adjust the color scheme for the smartphone and website
  • Update your app details (e.g. state, city, zip,phone etc...

Step 2) Set Up Your Access Groups

What are Access Groups?

This is where you can create access groups for your app such as coaches, players, parents, committee etc. When someone downloads your app they will be prompted to choose which ‘access group(s)’ they belong to. Access groups are a very important function of Team App, enabling you to categories members so they receive the relevant content for them. We recommend you click on the Access Group button below and understand how access groups work.

Step 3) Add and Change Buttons on the Dashboard

Learn about each button in ‘button management’ below by hovering your mouse over ‘manage’. We recommend only turning buttons ‘on’ if you understand how they work and will use them in your app. It’s a good idea to test each button’s operation on your smartphone as you turn them ‘on’.
You can change the name of each button by clicking in the name field and simply typing in a new button name. 
To re-order your buttons, hover your mouse over the button icons (next to the On/Off switch) below. The icon will change to a ‘drag’ tool. Then drag your buttons to re-arrange them. Your app will automatically update with the new button placement. The image of your app in your dashboard will change when you refresh your dashboard screen.

USA Roller Sports suggests that you set up the following buttons in bold, in addition to any other you feel are appropriate: 




Provide news from the different levels of the NGB to the members in your club


List of Events coming up for the Club


Practices and special occasions

Live Scores

Up to date scores as they come to hand


Provides the ability to be able to Chat between each access groups

Social Media

Links to Facebook and Instagram


Links to the USA Roller Sports Newsletter


Uploaded key reference documents


Page to promote sponsors and the services they offer

Step 4) Invite your members to download the app and join your Team App

Now that the 2019 season is upon us, and your member base for the 2019 season is ready, you are ready to get your members to join your TeamApp!

Click on the Invite / Promote button on your main dashboard. Seen here below in bottom right corner of the image.

USA Roller Sports

There are many options to invite people to join your app (you can use all if you wish). USA Roller Sports suggests that for the initial set-up you use option 3 below.

  1. Announce your app via email - This will open your email program with a pre-populated message. You can add email addresses from your contacts.
  2. Invite Individual Member (with Pre-Approval) - Here you can manually add a single person to your Team App and allocate them an access group(s).
  3. Bulk Invite Members (with Pre-Approval) Here you can send out invitations to your members and optionally allocate them to access groups. When they sign up via their smartphone they will be automatically put in access groups (as long as their email address is an exact match). There is an excel spreadsheet template on the Bulk Import webpage that you must use. Download this, copy and paste the data you wish to upload into the template, then re-upload this to the webpage. 
  4. Get a custom brochure PDF to promote your Team App! 
  5. Download your Team App powered logo. Use this logo to promote your App on your website or anywhere you like! 
  6. Put a button on your existing website.

Option 3 - How to bulk import your members list directly into your app

Head to the Bulk Import Members website (Click Invite / Promote, then select Bulk Invite Members (with Pre-Approval))

Step 1: Download the template CSV (excel spreadsheet file). Do not edit the layout of this template.

Step 2: Enter member details into the blank CSV template. E-mail address and name are required fields (e-mail addresses are not required for child members in the YOUTH import) – others are optional. Cells/columns left blank will NOT overwrite existing member’s data.

Step 3: Upload the file using the ‘Select File’ button

Step 4: Select the access groups to apply to members in the imported file. You need to upload separate files to import members into different access groups. If no access groups are ticked members will have no groups assigned to them. They can request access to a group themselves when they create their account and join your TeamApp.

Step 5: Click ‘Import’ to upload the selected file.

Upon importing this file, NEW members of your Team App will be manually entered as an e-mail member only. They will be e-mailed advising them they have been entered into this app and encouraged to join your app on their mobile device.

If someone that you didn't invite to be a member joins the app you will be notified of their membership request via e-mail and also within your Team App. You choose to approve or deny their membership request. Or if you are not concerned with security you can set your access groups to ‘auto’ approve member requests.

Important: Anyone can register to your app and access public content. They don’t have to be part of an access group. Be careful not to send inside information to the public.

If you still require assistance you can email a time for Frank at fjoutras@usarollersports.org from USA Roller Sports to call and assist with your app. 

Members Access Rights

Members can be allocated Full Admin or Restricted Admin status which gives them additional privileges to administer this app. Full admins have access to all features including the dashboard, whilst restricted admin control over specific groups can be given to members via the edit button on their member’s card. For more information about admin privileges please visit the Access Groups screen.

Encourage all members to download Team App from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and register through their smartphone. If members don’t have a smartphone, you can point them to the website version of your Team App, and have them register there. You can also manually add members here. They will receive e-mail news only. Members with a No Team App user account label have been manually entered and can only receive e-mail notifications.

Check the phone & mail icons next to a members’ name to check if they have push notifications or e-mails enabled. You may want to suggest they follow the steps in the “I am not receiving push notifications. Why?” question on the FAQs page. For more details on access groups click here or via the Access Groups link in your dashboard.

You can export and download the entire list of members as a CSV-file. This can be opened in Excel or other popular spreadsheet software.

Optional: Buy Ad Banners

Need Help?

Step 1) Check the Page instructions. On the TeamApp platform, every page webpage and function have instructions on the page for you to follow along. Here is an example of this: 

Step 2) Check the Team App Knowledge Base

Team App have created their own Knowledge Base full of FAQs. CLICK HERE to view this.

Step 3) Contact USA Roller Sports directly at fjoutras@usarollersports.org