2023 Ratified Motions

Head Official Position

Motion 1

To remove the full time position of Head of Official to align with processes of other USARS sport disciplines

Motion 2

In place of the Head of Official position a position has been created that will be called 'Officiating Manager' who will manage all officials, including those attending the National Championships each year. This position will be a yearly position and will be appointed by the Rink Hockey Committee each year.

Motion 3

Due to time constraints this year, the Rink Hockey Committee as appointed Pat Ferguson to be the Officiating Manager for this year. Next year there will be an application process. More information to come on that process.

Motion 4

To replace the Head Official's Rink Hockey Committee Position (voting position) with an open at large voting position with a 4 year term to start after the conclusion of the fall board meeting. Open to all members in good standing who are 18 years of age or older.

For those interested in applying for this position please fill out the Jotform below

Jotform Application

Motion 1

For 2023 National Championships, allow level 2 referees to officiate games in all divisions up to and including Silver Division. 

Motion 2

For 2023 National Championships, allow 3A and 3B officials to be compensated

Motion 3

For 2023 National Championships, allow any official, Domestic or International, that is deemed qualified and voted upon favorably by the Rink Hockey Committee to officiate Gold Level games

Motion 4

For 2023 National Championships, To allow a Bronze Level Player to Play as a floor player in the Bronze division, and also play as a goal-tender in the Silver Division in order for a team to compete.  All Such exceptions must be approved by the Rink Hockey Committee Vote.

Motion 5

For 2023 National Championships, to Change all Men’s Gold level games to 25 Minute Half’s in order to match international rules and World Games rules.