Athlete Bio#
Career Highlights
- 2013-1st Place USARS Roller Derby Regionals
- 2014-Gold Medal at USARS Nationals
- 2015-Gold Medal at USARS Nationals
- 2015 USA Roller Sports Roller Derby Team of the Year Award
- 2016-Silver Medal at USARS Nationals
- 2017-Gold Metal at USARS Nationals
- 2017- Team USA
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LifeGoals: Live life to the fullest and become the best I can be.
Career goals: start and finish the apprenticeship program
SkatingGoals: To represent my country by bringing home the Gold
FavoriteSportsFigure: Jason “Meyhem” Miller (MMA, Mixed martial arts)
FavoriteFoodBeforeCompetition: Scrambled eggs and peanut butter protein bar
FavoriteMovie: Love actually, Sweeney Todd
FavoritePlaceToShop: Goodwill
FavoriteCompetitionMusic: Rock/Metal
FavoritePosession: My skates
Hobbies: Cosplay, building costumes/props, Exercising, video games, Cuddling my dogs
OneWordToDescribeYou: Motivated
WhatMakesYouUnique: Im always up for a challenge
WhoDoYouAdmireGreatestInfluence: My parents for always supporting me in everything I've wanted to do.