Serena Narada Glover
Athlete Bio#
Spring Hill, FL
Career Highlights
- I am a multi time overall Elite National Champion, and 30 plus time National Gold medal placement Champion. At 14, I qualified for Team US as first sprinter. I am proud to say, "I will be 14 years old skating World's.
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Sponsor: Simmons Racing
Occupation: Professional Speed Skater
Employer: Glover Racing Sports
Other Sports: Swimming, Biking
Awards Outside Of Skating: Honor Roll
Life Goals: To become a successful Actress
Career Goals: To gain a lot of World titles on inline before converting to Long or short track ice
Skating Goals: To place at worlds at 14 years old. I want to become the best female speed skater in US history I want lots of World and Pan Am Gold medals Becoming an Olympic Champion on ice or inline is the ultimate goal.
Favorite Sports Figure: Serena Williams
Favorite Food Before Competition: Pasta
Favorite Movie: The Nun
Favorite Place To Shop: Any place in the Mall
Favorite Competition Music: R&B
Favorite Posession: Shopping and makeup
Hobbies: skateboarding
One Word To Describe You: Determined
What Makes You Unique: I feed off of negativity. I have the ability to turn negatives into positives.
Who Do You Admire Greatest Influence: My mom and dad! My mother is always the one to defend and protect. My dad doesn't let anything get in the way of his goals or plans. He stay a 100% focused!
Father: Lorenzo Glover
Mother: Brenda Glover
Brothers: Ayden Glover
Sisters: Nevaeh Glover
Family Members In Sports: Father competed in speed skating. Mother was a skater as well.