Jun 2, 2012 - Jun 2, 2012

MCBB v Oakland Outlaws.

On June 2nd 2012 the Oakland Outlaws traveled 320 miles south to sunny Santa Barbara to take on the Mission City Brawlin Betties. The scoring started out slow, in the first 10 minutes the score was held to Oakland 12, MCBB 3. Both team’s packs started out close to the pivot line for a majority of the Jams. MCBB took a knee on many occasions to get the pack started. As the first half wore on MCBB took the lead on a power jam and the first half ended with the score 56 MCBB and 50 to Oakland.  

The second half started off with hard hitting action and lots of power jams. When the dust settled Oakland came out on top. 118 to 85.

Pictures https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150858233977401.398507.561532400&type=1