ROCK in the GBV School of hard ROCKS

Jun 9, 2012 - Jun 9, 2012

Roller Derby Icon

June 9, 2012, ROCK in the GBV bout (Sanction 12-893) Summary

ROCK in the GBV: School of hard ROCKS

The Greenbrier Roller Vixens (GRV) lost their first bout at home against the Rollergirls Of Central Kentucky (ROCK), with a final score of 153 to 55.  The ROCK in the GBV bout was held on June 9th, 2012 and began at 7pm at the Ronceverte Lion's Club Gym, Ronceverte, WV.  Over 300 spectators were in attendance, and were treated to a trombonist playing the national anthem and a band called "Suicide Seating" at halftime.  The Roller Vixens came fresh off three straight wins, but there was no mercy for them in this bout.  ROCK showed GRV how to roll, with the fastest pack GRV has bouted against thus far.  ROCK, a WFTDA apprentice league, crushed GRV using constant strategy, solid players, and heavy hits.  Such strategies included the constant harassment by ROCK's Rag Doll Ruby (#42) of GRV's jammers in the back of the pack, and a massive wall by various ROCK blockers in the front of the pack.  Bout MVPs were Deathany (#5) and JuJu Bees (#77) from GRV and Junk Drawer (2X4) and Sugar Shock (2) for ROCK.