Queen City deals the Hellbillys some Heartbreak

Aug 1, 2013 - Aug 1, 2013

Queen City deals the Hellbilly's some Heartbreak 289-198

Queen City Roller Girls' Devil Dollies came out to the William O. Smith Recreation Center on Saturday, August 3rd to play Enchanted Mountain Roller Derby's Hellbilly Heartbreakers. Queen City came out strong and quickly took advantage of a Hellbilly jammer track cut in the first jam of the night, opening up the bout with a 30-0 lead. The Dollies continued to play smart and put up points while stopping the Hellbillies from putting up anything until the 3rd jam. The Dollies took advantage of several power jams including a a 33 point jam by Day TripHer, and a 35 point jam by Celery Stalk-Her. The Hellbillies continued to put up a fight and kept up with the Dollies ending the first half with a score of 93- 201.
The Hellbillies used the halftime to their advantage and came out fighting the second half. In the second half the Hellbillies showed their true colors earning lead jam 18 out of 25 jams. Playing smart, the Hellbillies continued to peck away at the Dollies lead, eventually coming as close as 195-237. It looked like the Hellbillies were coming back after some large jams from Linda McMayhem with 16 points, followed two jams later by a 30 point jam by Dali D. However, the Hellbillies couldn't quite seem to overcome the first half deficit. While outscoring the Dollies in the second half 105-88, it was not enough to overcome their slow start in the first half, leaving the Dollies on top in the end at 289-198. Top scorers for the night for EMRD were Linda McMayhem with 81, Dali D. with 80, and Trix See with 25. Racking up the points for QCRG were Day TripHer with 85, Crown Victoria with 76, Celery Stalk-Her with 50, and Brutali-Tease with 47. MVPs for the night were: QCRG Jammer: Day TripHer & Blocker: Lip Service EMRD Jammer: Linda McMayhem & Blocker: Aeon Fox.