Jun 22, 2013 - Jun 22, 2013

RWC PhotographyHellbilly Heartbreakers Fall to Rubber City 221 to 145

Enchanted Mountain Roller Derby's Hellbilly Heartbreakers took on the Rubber City Roller Girls on Saturday June 22nd. Unfortunately for the Hellbillies, they could not overcome Rubber City Roller Girls' years of experience. Rubber City was able to work as a team to pull the Hellbillies apart. Due to an unfortunate farming accident, the Hellbillies were without one of their strong veterans, #106 Lickety Split, along with a few other veterans who were under the weather. 

RWC PhotographyThe Heartbreakers got off to a slow start which ended up being their downfall.  While the Heartbreakers were outscored greatly in the first half with a 52-114 half time score, they were not discouraged and came out fighting in the second half. With a hard hitting second half, the Heartbreakers brought the score within distance a few times, but unfortunately suffered some penalty trouble allowing Rubber City to take advantage of some key power jams and keep the win out of reach. The second half score of 93-107 shows how hard the Hellbillies were fighting for this win. Unfortunately it was a little too late, and Rubber City took home the win with a final score of 221 to 145.

Photo Credits: RWC Photography