Level 1 Clinic Information sheet
The mission of a USA Roller Sports banked track clinic is to introduce speed skaters to training and competing on a 200 meter banked track in a controlled and safe environment, giving skaters the opportunity to qualify for the USA Track National Championships by meeting established time requirements and safety protocols. The banked track clinic program also enables coaches to participate, learn and teach the basic skills associated with international competition and provide an avenue of progression for coaches within the outdoor program.
Athlete participation: Athletes participating in a USARS banked track clinic must realize that the clinic is a serious training commitment on their part. It requires participants to be in top physical condition and above average skating ability. Skaters lacking in either of these two areas risk injuring themselves or others. A coach's signature is required as an assurance that the applicant is of sound skating ability and conditioning and that they will be able to satisfactorily complete the requirements of a clinic. Currently, USARS conducts three types of banked track clinics at two locations in the U.S., normally in the spring and in the fall of each year. Clinics are held at either the US Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado or Brian Piccolo Park in Broward County, Florida. The three types of clinics offered are:
a) Level 1 Clinics-These clinics are offered for the first time athlete or athletes that have participated previously but did not pass the qualifying times or Safety protocols for USA Track Nationals.
b) Level 2 Clinics-These clinics are offered for athletes that have qualified to participate in the Banked Track Nationals
c) National Team Clinics-These clinics are offered for athletes designated as members of USARS "National Team". National Team designation is obtained by an athlete's overall placement at the preceding USA Track & Road National Championships in the Junior and Senior World Class divisions as well a limited number from the Freshman division. The size of the National Team and the amount of athletes from each division is determined after USARS receives allocation numbers from the US Olympic Training Center.
Demonstrators: Experienced athletes may be asked to serve as demonstrators for Level 1 and Level 2 clinics. Ideally, Team USA members serve in this capacity but other National Team members may be considered.
Coach Participation: Coaches are authorized by the speed committee to serve as leaders at banked track clinics based on their participation at previous clinics, coaching experience, leadership qualities, knowledge of international competition, ability to work with other coaches, management skills and availability. Those wishing to be considered for future clinic leader positions (leader or volunteer) must submit a resume to USARS, be a level two coach (SC2) or higher, and complete a USARS approved background check.
Pertinent information (dates, locations, cost, etc.) regarding banked track clinics is available on the USA Roller Sports website (http://www.usarollersports.org/). Coaches that would like to volunteer for a banked track clinic, please contact Ricci Porter at the USARS National Office.
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