The United States Foundation for Amateur Roller Skating is pleased to announce the recipients of this year’s Scholarships Training Grants. The number of applications was much higher this year and many of the applicant's scholastic records were very impressive. #
A total of ten Scholastic Scholarships and eight Training Grants were awarded to our deserving athletes. #
Scholastic Scholarships -$1000
Caitlan Finkbeiner - Art -$2000
Arusha Kshatriya - Art
Maryn Rogers. - Roller Derby
Amanda De Witt. - Art
Mahira Tandon. - Art
Sean Folstein. - Art
Amity Gajeeski. - Art
Algernon Tinsley - Speed
Samantha Kruzza - Art
Bryanna Leister - Art
Training Grants - $2000
Lillian Gardner - Art
Lisa Ann Barker - Art
Alicia Mc Bride. - Speed
Sean Folstein - Art
Jan Porter Speed Athletes
Elementary Girls
Piper Alberson - $250
Elementary Boys
Jace Mendoza - $250
Freshman Girls
Sadhana Ganesan - $250
Freshman Boys
Nigel Gay - $250
Wayne Wojnaowski Jr WC figure Athlete
Mahira Tandon - $1000