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Brent Benson: bbenson@usarollersports.org

Coaching Services Department

In 1992, USA Roller Sports (USARS) implemented what we believe to be an important and useful program for roller skating coaches participating in our competitions.  USA Roller Sports Coaching Certification has already reached more than 2500 skating coaches nationwide and moved them through the educational process.

Membership in this program is required of all competitive coaches-full-time, part-time, and volunteer-who wish access to restricted "coaches only" areas at important competitions across the country, including Regional and National events.  "Coaches only" areas include skater ready areas, team boxes, pit areas and so on.  Coaches are encouraged to join the USA Roller Sports Coaching Program, a service that involves a variety of education and certification levels. Coaches benefit from knowing that they have the resources to be the best in their field. Skaters are certain to receive the very best training, while rink operators enjoy the benefit of having a fully-qualified professional taking charge of the competitive program, and work to send skaters on to regional, national and world championships.  Membership also requires a background check with a "green light" designation from the National Center for Safety Initiatives.  This designation assures your students, parents and rink owner that you have passed the requirements for USARS membership.

Benefits of the program include: training programs and continuing coach's education; accident/injury and liability insurance, while coaching in a registered USA Roller Sports club facility or a sanctioned competition.  It also provides coaches recognition by the United States Olympic Committee, eligibility for commissions as an official without additional fees, and eligibility to be a club officer in any discipline.

Registered USA Roller Sports coaches are also provided free of charge National Governing Body technical manuals, including distribution of General Rules and appropriate discipline teaching manuals, recognition pins for championship achievement and a subscription to the official USA Roller Sports Magazine.

Registered USA Roller Sports coaches are also provided free of charge National Governing Body technical manuals, including distribution of General Rules and appropriate discipline teaching manuals, recognition pins for championship achievement and a subscription to the official USA Roller Sports Magazine.


Why Register?

"Why should I go through a program this involved?  At best, I'm a weekend coach."

        "This sounds like a lot of work.  I don't have time to keep this up."

        "What are you giving me for my money?"

These are common questions and comments which you may already be thinking when you consider coaching certification.  Consider these facts:

  • Knowledge is Power.  The certified coach is better informed, better qualified and more self-confident in their abilities than one who is not certified.  The certified coach gets more out of their athletes because the athletes get more out of their sport.
  • The information is proven effective and easy to understand.  The home study format structures the program around your schedule and the open book testing at the Certified Level helps you achieve your goal at your own pace.
  • Plug into the continuous information pipeline of U.S. Roller Skating magazine, Roller Skating Coach newsletter, updated USA Roller Sports General Rules and appropriate technical manuals.  All free of charge.


Anyone can take out a USA Roller Sports coach's membership, provided they are over 18 years of age and receive a "green light" designation from a background check performed by the National Center for Safety Initiatives.  No other affiliation, membership or tenure is required, including affiliation with a USA Roller Sports club.  USA Roller Sport club members do receive additional benefits, including insurance.


  • Full USA Roller Sport membership of the appropriate class for designated discipline.
  • Subscription to U.S. Roller Skating and Roller Skating Coach.
  • Coaching recognition by a U.S. Olympic Committee National Governing Body.
  • Free General Rules, appropriate technical manuals and subsequent updates.
  • Eligible to commission as competition official/club officer without additional fees.
  • Recognition awards for championship achievement.
  • Accident/injury insurance as governed by current guidelines.
  • Seminars, training programs and other continuing coaches' education.